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Master in Biology at Universidad de Valencia in June 1992 with Extraordinary Honor

Ph.D. at Departamento de Genética (Facultad de  CC. Biológicas, Universidad de Valencia) in December 1997. European Doctorate. Extraordinary Honor.

Thesis Title: LA GENÉTICA EN LA CONSERVACIÓN DE ESPECIES VEGETALES: ESTUDIO DE LA VARIABILIDAD GENÉTICA INTRA E INTERESPECÍFICA EN EL GÉNERO LIMONIUM (PLUMBAGINACEAE) [Genetics and conservation of plant species: Study of the intra- and interspecific genetic variability in the genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae)]

Note: Apte cum laude

Comite: V. Heywood, M. Pérez de la Vega, J. A. Roselló i Picornell, J. Rozas Liras, A. Moya

Director: Fernando González Candelas


Peer-review articles

Authors: Carmen Palacios and Fernando González-Candelas
Title: Lack of genetic Variability in the rare and endangered Limonium cavanillesii (Plumbaginaceae) using RAPD markers
Reference: Molecular Ecology Volume: 6 Pages: 671-675 Year: 1997

Authors: Carmen Palacios and Fernando González-Candelas
Title: Analysis of population genetic structure and variability using RAPD markers in the endemic and endangered Limonium dufourii (Plumbaginaceae)
Reference: Molecular Ecology Volume: 6 Pages: 1107-1122 Year: 1997

Authors: Carmen Palacios, Stephen Kresovich and Fernando González-Candelas
Title: A population genetic study of the endangered plant species Limonium dufourii (Plumbaginaceae) based on amplifyed fragment length polymorphism (AFLP)
Reference: Molecular Ecology Volume: 8 Pages: 654-657 Year: 1999

Authors: Carmen Palacios and Fernando González-Candelas
Title: AFLP analysis of the critically endangered Limonium cavanillesii (Plumbaginaceae)
Reference: Journal of Heredity Volume: 90(4) Pages: 485-489 Year: 1999
Note: This paper has been cited in W. S. Klug and M. P. Cummings (eds.) Concepts of Genetics (7th Edition) 27 Chapter: Conservation Genetics.

Authors: Carmen Palacios, Josep A. Rosselló and Fernando González-Candelas
Title: Study of the evolutionary relationships among Limonium species (Plumbaginaceae) using molecular and cytoplasmic molecular markers.
Reference: Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution Volume:14 Pages: 232-249 Year: 2000

Authors: María Luisa Palop, Carmen Palacios and Fernando González-Candelas
Title: Development and across species transferibility of microsatellites markers in the genus Limonium (Plumbaginaceae)
Reference: Conservation Genetics Volume: 00 Pages: 1-3 Year: 2000

Authors: Sacramento Rodríguez, María Luisa Palop, Carmen Palacios and Fernando González-Candelas
Title: Molecular and morphological differentiation in Limonium dufourii
Reference: Conservation Genetics Volume: 4 Pages: 383-391 Year: 2003

Authors: Carmen Palacios and Jennifer J. Wernegreen
Title: A strong effect of AT mutational bias on amino acid usage in Buchnera is mitigated at high expression genes.
Reference: Molecular Biology and Evolution Volume:19 Pages: 1575-84 Year: 2002

Authors: Roeland CHJ van Ham, Judith Kamerbeek, Carmen Palacios, Carolina Rausell, Federico Abascal, Ugo Bastolla, Jose M. Fernandez, Luis Jimenez, Marina Postigo, Francisco J. Silva, Javier Tamames, Enrique Viguera, Amparo Latorre, Alfonso Valencia, Federico Moran and Andrés Moya
Title: Reductive genome evolution in Buchnera aphidicola.
Reference: Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U S A Volume:100 Pages: 581-586 Year: 2003
(both manuscript + supplemental data)

Authors: Jennifer J. Wernegreen, Patrick H. Degnan, Adam B. Lazarus, Carmen Palacios and Seth R. Bordenstein
Title: Genome evolution in an insect cell: distinct features of an ant-bacterial partnership.

Reference: Biological Bulletin Volume: 204 Pages:221-231 Year: 2003

Authors: David L. Kysela, Carmen Palacios and Mitchell L. Sogin
Title: Serial Analysis of Gene Tags (SAGT): A new method for efficient, high-throughput analysis of microbial community composition
Reference: Environmental Microbiology Volume: Pages: Year: 2005

Authors: Carmen Palacios, Magali Zbinden, Amy R. Baco, Tina Treude, Craig R. Smith, Françoise Gaill, Philippe Lebaron and Antje Boetius
Title: Microbial ecology of deep-sea sunken woods: achieving quantitative measurements for bacterial biomass and cellulolytic activities.
Reference: Cahiers de Biologie Marine 47: 415-420 Year: 2006

Authors: Marie Pailleret, Nima Saedlou, Carmen Palacios, Magali Zbinden, Philippe Lebaron, Françoise Gaill, Catherine Privé-Gill
Title: Identification of natural sunken wood samples
Reference: Comptes Rendus Palevol 6:463-468 Year: 2007

Book chapters and Proceedings

Authors: Fernando González-Candelas and Carmen Palacios
Title: Analyzing molecular data for studies of genetic diversity in plants and animals.
Reference: Ayad W.G., Hodgkin T., Jaradat A., Rao V.R. (eds.)
Molecular genetic techniques for plant genetic resources
Report of an IPGRI workshop, 9-11 October 1995, Rome, Italy
Editorial: International Plant Genetic Resources Institute, 1997 Pages: 55-80

Authors: Carmen Palacios, D.T. Kysela and M.L. Sogin
Title: Serial Analysis of rRNAs (SARS): A novel molecular strategy for sampling microbial diversity throughout the universe
Reference: Proceedings of the Second European Workshop on Exo/Astrobiology Graz, Austria, 16-19 September 2002
Editorial: ESA SP-518, November 2002 Pages: 481-482

Authors: Carmen Palacios, David Kysela and Mitchell L. Sogin
Title: Consolidation of Serial Analysis of Ribosomal RNAs (SARS) as a unique molecular biology method for sampling microbial diversity in natural environments
Reference: Astrobiology Volume: 2 Pages: 546-547 Year 2002

Authors: Carmen Palacios, Linda Amaral-Zettler, Erik Zettler, Felipe Gómez Gómez, Elena González Toril, Ricardo Amils, Mitchell L. Sogin
Title: Evolutionary bacterial ecology of Rio Tinto (Huelva, Spain), an extremely acidic and high metal laden ecosystem
Reference: International Journal of Astrobiology Supplement: 1 Page: 69 Year 2004

Authors: Linda Amaral Zettler, Abby Laatsch, Ashita Dhillon, Carmen Palacios, Erik Zettler, Felipe Gómez Gómez, Elena González Toril, Ricardo Amils, Mitchell Sogin
Title: Microbial Diversity in Spain’s Río Tinto:  A Three-Domain Approach
Reference: International Journal of Astrobiology Supplement: 1 Page: 61 Year 2004

Authors: Jillian Ward, Mitchell L. Sogin, Carmen Palacios, Hilary Morrison, John Waterbury
Title: Expression Profiling of the Microbial Mat Organism: Microcoleus chthonoplastes
Reference: International Journal of Astrobiology Supplement: 1 Page: 77 Year 2004

Authors: Carmen Palacios, Bertil Olsson, Philippe Lebaron, Mitchell L. Sogin.
Title: New high-throughput biotechnologies for sampling the microbial ecological diversity of the oceans: the informatics challenge.
Reference: Vanden Berghe E., Appeltans W., Costello M.J., Pissierssens, P (eds.)
Proceedings ‘Ocean Biodiversity Informatics’
International Conference on Marine Biodiversity Data Management, Hamburg, Germany, 29 November–1 December 2004 IOC Workshop Report No. 202
Editorial: BSH/ VLIZ Special Publication No. 37 pages: 145-150 Year: 2007

Authors: Linda Amaral Zettler, Carmen Palacios, Abby Laatsch, Erik Zettler, Ashita Dhillon, Elena González Toril, Ricardo Amils, Mitchell Sogin
Title: Progress in microbial diversity and population structure studies in the Río Tinto
Reference: Astrobiology 2(5): 246 Year 2005

Authors: Carmen Palacios, Linda Amaral Zettler, Erik Zettler, Ricardo Amils, Mitchell Sogin
Title: SARST-V6 reveals interesting aspects of the ecological diversity of the Rio Tinto
Reference: EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union 87(36) Year 2006


Authors: Carmen Palacios
Title: La genética en la conservación de especies vegetales: Estudio de la variabilidad genética intra e interespecífica en especies del género Limonium (Plumbaginaceae) (Genetics and conservation of plant species: An study of the intra and interspecific variability in Limonium species)
Editorial: Universidad de Valencia Key: B Year: 1998 Place: Valencia (Spain)